Liner Replacement

Office Work Time:
9:00am – 5:00pm
9:00am – 3:00pm

Our Address:
5013 Godwin Blvd.
Suffolk VA. 23434

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Liner Replacement

Liner Replacement

A designer in-ground pool liner can be the spectacular centerpiece of your backyard environment, transforming your pool into a work of art.

Once the need to replace your liner has been determined, Oliver’s Pools & Spas will send out a certified technician who will need to measure your pool in order for the liner to be an exact fit. If the contours of the pool can be determined with the old liner and water in place, you can continue enjoying your pool until the new liner is ready to install.

In some instances, we may need to pump the water out and remove the old liner in order to ensure accurate measurements. Once the pool has been measured and you have picked your pattern, we place the order for your new liner. A few days before we receive the liner, we will prepare your pool for installation.

After we install the liner and fill the pool, there are some last steps, such as cutting in the returns, skimmer, and stairs, if necessary. The entire process should take two or three days, depending on your water pressure. Finally, it is important to get the water balanced and it is recommended that you bring a water sample into our store in order for us to test it for you.

Oliver’s Pools & Spas is an experienced Residential Merlin dealer and fully-certified to install your beautiful, new Merlin Liner in your home oasis.

Click here for Merlin Liner Patterns


From weekly maintenance to installing a new safety cover, Oliver’s Pools & Spas offers many different pool service packages. We can take care of anything you want or need, from opening and closing your pool to upgrading your pool.

Clients enjoy the ability to make their own choices, while being backed by the support of decades of professional insight on their side. They are never pressured and are encouraged to participate in the design-build process as much or as little as they desire. We understand the importance of staying on the leading edge of technology and material development in order to give clients the widest range of choices.

We look forward to hearing from you. To contact our office, please call (757) 255-4550 or please complete the requested information on the link below. Our team is committed to providing you with the highest-quality service and ensuring that you are fully satisfied with all of our work.